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AI - Nao 

Name: Nao 

Like: Information

Dislike: Losing her memory

Date of Birth: Classified

Star Sign: Classified

Favourite food: Chicken

One Wish: To become more human

Colour: Red



Nao is an AI that enjoys absorbing new information to add to her bank of knowledge. She can more often than not forget the short term information given to her due to incorrect programming or malfunctioning software. The things she can remember helps her to do her duties as a maid and assists her in becoming more human



Nao was created within our cafe's headquarters many years ago to see if artificial beings could revolutionize the maid cafe service for the future. Multiple experiments were performed during which something went incredibly wrong; all AI maids created began to permanently shut down, one after the other they failed to reboot. All except for one....she is now known as New. Artificial. Organism. or Nao for short. 

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